Warehouse Jobs Pay Poorly, Lack Health Insurance
Warehouses provide jobs for thousands of workers in the Inland Empire. But a majority of blue-collar warehouse jobs typically pay less than a living wage, are often temporary, and do not provide...
View ArticleNot Gay: Sex between Straight White Men
Straight white men have engaged in gay sex for centuries, and not just in circumstances that can be explained away as momentary aberrations, Jane Ward writes in her new book, "Not Gay: Sex between...
View ArticleUCR Scholars Weigh in on Super Tuesday
UC Riverside scholars are available to discuss a variety of issues related to the primary elections, from the impact of voter ID laws on African American voters in particular, to the delegate math at...
View ArticlePrison Reform Activists to Discuss Issues of LGBT Inmates on May 18
Two activists in the growing field of “trans studies” and prison abolition will discuss what drives LGBT individuals into the prison system and what keeps them there in a seminar on May 18.
View ArticleResearch & Scholarship
The team focused on highlighting multiple tools of cultural production, ranging from pieces more closely associated with traditional fine art to activist flyers, fashion, and protest banners to tell a...
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